Check out the new Prometheus Len’s Podcast store!! We just launched 2 new t-shirt designs and a coffee mug for your Kevlar Joe’s coffee! We offer 3 designs in various shirts, hoodies, sweaters, and tank tops. We offer each item in several colors. Check out our latest design we care calling Undercover Esau! Click the image to go to the store.

Be sure and mark your calendar’s for our next Q&A, because it is with GARY WAYNE!! Author of the best selling Genesis 6 Conspiracy; His new book which is the sequel to to his first has just dropped! This gives you a month to read his book and be the first group to sit down and ask him your questions from his latest material!!

If you are already signed up for the “All Access Pass” you are good to go, you will receive an email 30 minutes before the show begins. If you are not a member click the link about “Become a Member” it’s quick, it’s easy. DON’T WAIT UNTIL LAST MINUTE TO SIGN UP!! I have to manually send these links out, it takes a lot of time. So if I sign in to the members page at 7pm and begin sending the links and you sign up at 7:30 you not going to get an invite. The members list with your contact info isn’t live. The past few we’ve had has been awesome, I hope EVERYONE comes out for this one, and hope we get some new brothers and sisters on the heroes journey with us! Until then, torches high guys!!

Be sure and follow us on our social media channels, the links are above.

Please if you enjoy the content give us a rating where ever you listen and share us with your friends.

Also be sure and visit the sponsor of the show Kevlar Joe’s Coffee Company.